Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's like the plague!

A few weeks ago now I was feverishly editing my portfolio for COM308W…another class where I burry my head into a computer screen, only it's not design, its all writing. 

I was typing away in the library, working on my portfolio, I found myself just staring at my word document. I was so troubled by the terribly ugly, awful, hideous kerning. Not only was I not using a Mac, as if that alone wasn't bad enough,  this PC didn't even have helvetica! Helvetica is now my typeface of choice and new obsession. #helveticadomination 

Again as I said in my last post, I've become so much more aware of designs, messages of the design, effectiveness, typefaces, all of it! Design snob in the making… its like the plague.

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